PLOT Night 2024
Tue, Aug 20
PLOT is Bethel's summer youth drop-in hosted in the Parking LOT (hence the title PLOT). We invite students entering Grade 7 to 12 to join us on Tuesday evenings from 7-9:00PM in July and August for games, snacks, and more!

Time & Location
Aug 20, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Edmonton, 14204 25 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 1G5, Canada
About the event
July 9th: Parking Lot Hockey / Basketball
Hop on in and play some hockey and some basketball!
July 16th: Ping Pong / Board Games Night
Test your pong skills and your board game wits in this super fun PLOT night!
July 23rd: Soccer (in bannerman field, if not, in parking lot) / Grounders + Red Light Green Light (in bannerman park)
Jump in and kick around in soccer, or check to see if you still got what it takes to play old park games!
July 30th: Dodgeball Variations
Learn the many ways to pelt your friends with dodgeballs!
August 6th: Drawing Day
Are you an artist? Come on down and show your artsy side!
August 13th: All-evening water fight
Grab your Super Soakers n' your waterballoons and reign down watery vengeance on your friends!
August 20th: End of Summer potluck day
Bring some treats that you (or someone else) have made and share them amongst your friends in this tasty finale of PLOT!