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This Week At Bethel

This Sunday

This Sunday we continue our sermon series, Everyday Prayer by reflecting on how Jesus prays for us. He models what talking to God the Father looks like, reminding us that the purpose of prayer is so that we get to know God more closely and live into what he desires to do in the world. This is why Jesus prays for God to be glorified just as Jesus anticipates being lifted up in glory on the cross. Prayer leads our hearts towards the wonderful and incredible works God intends to do around us for his glory–God’s presence and good news—made known. The message this Sunday will focus on John 17:1-5, "Jesus Prays—to God be the Glory".

Our Sunday Offerings:

  1. BETHEL MINISTRIES AND MISSION: The ministries and programs of Bethel

  2. CORNERSTONE COUNSELLING: is a not-for-profit agency providing affordable counselling in the Edmonton area. Their Mission Statement is: To demonstrate the love of Christ by providing professional counselling services to help people become renewed and whole. NEXT WEEK – DUNAMIS FELLOWSHIP CANADA is on a mission to mobilize, equip and deploy Spiritempowered witnesses for Jesus Christ to take part in fulfilling the great commission. Dunamis offers courses and conferences on the person and work of the Holy Spirit based on Christ-centered, biblical teaching from a Reformed perspective and anchored in practical, experiential learning. Many Bethel people have taken part in Dunamis courses. For more information→




Church Family News & Prayer Requests:

BETHEL STAFF UPDATE: We’re excited to share that Pastor Cathy returned to work this week. As a team, we’re looking forward to serving alongside each other again. Pastor Cathy will be reconnecting with the ministry areas she supports in our Reach and Connect zones. If you need to contact Pastor Cathy with a ministry need or if you’d like to personally welcome her back, please don’t hesitate to send her a message at


Please continue to remember CALVIN BRUINSMA, CURTIS COENEN, JENNY PENFOLD, and ELEANOR PROKUDA as you pray for our church community.


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COMMUNITY CONNECTION SUNDAY: Join us downstairs this Sunday after the service for some fellowship and a light lunch of soup and buns.


MEN’S MINISTRY: The next Men’s Breakfast will be Saturday, February 22, from 9:00 a.m. to
11:00 a.m.   We invite men of all ages to join us for food and fellowship. We would love to see you there! Find out more at or register here.


WOMEN’S MINISTRIES: Our Women’s evening Bible study will be starting up on February 26 at 7:00 p.m. We will be studying ”He’s Where the Joy Is” by Tara-Leigh Cobble. Stay tuned for sign up information.


BETTER TOGETHER LIBERIA: This February a team will be headed to Bettesu Liberia for the Grand opening of the Health Clinic on March 8.  Our Bethel community has played a large role in the construction of the clinic.  Thank you for your generosity.  As part of the celebrations, there will be soccer matches.  If you have any gently used soccer shoes you would like to donate we would love to take them with us.  Please connect with Helena Myschuk or John Lendein.


BAPTISM CLASS: You are invited to our Baptism class after worship on February 23 (light lunch provided). This is for parents considering baptism for their children and believers preparing to take their next step in faith by following Christ in baptism. If you’re interested in taking the step of baptism, click here


LENT: Lent is coming! We will start off the season of Lent with an evening prayer and worship service on Ash Wednesday March 5 at 6:30 p.m. Keep a look out for some discipleship practices and resources we will invite the church to participate in leading up to Easter. More details to come



Bethel Youth:​​

PAUL & PANCAKES: This is an opportunity for youth to gather for fellowship and Bible study during the service; and of course, there will be pancakes! Everyone in Grades 7-12 is invited to meet in the downstairs kitchen. Our next Paul & Pancakes will be on February23.





February 2 Edmonton Food Bank

February 9 Cornerstone Counseling

February 16 Dunamis Fellowship Canada

February 23 Ministry Shares

Community News:

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: One of our WillowWood families is looking for respite childcare assistance.  Mom is a stay-at-home mom and dad is working full time. Their children include a set of twins, age 11 months, and a 4 year old. The family relies on public transportation. Mom has Cerebral Palsy and a vision impairment, limiting her mobility making daily tasks and looking after the children a struggle. She also has to bring the 4 year old to the school bus which takes a lot of effort and time. This family’s E4C support worker is reaching out to Bethel Church to see if someone could help out later in the morning for about 2-3 hours for respite care while mom is at home. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please reach out to Monika from E4C at 780-554-3676.


Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands: May 2025 marks the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands. To commemorate this historic and most significant event in Dutch history (and the personal history of so many immigrants and their descendants), the Canadian Military and the Dutch Community will honour this significant milestone with a planned commemoration that will take place on Sunday, May 4th. It will be preceded by a Church Service at 10:30 am at Holy Trinity Anglican, followed by a short march/walk to South Alberta Light Horse Park in Old Strathcona where the actual ceremony will take place. The 80th anniversary, as a major commemoration, will be the last time actual living soldiers who were part of the Canadian army, will be in attendance. The few that are left are now 100 years of age or older. Also, those who were liberated are now in their late 80’s or in their 90s. Thus, it will close a chapter of living history. Please consider attending.


​​COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR:  This 2 or 5 km fundraiser walk on February 22, 2025, will support ADEARA RECOVERY CENTRE. To support or register a team of 6-8 walkers click here. To learn more about Adeara’s work visit Adeara Recovery Centre.​


HOPE MISSION COLD HANDS WARM HEARTS WALK Winter in Edmonton is tough, especially for those without food or shelter. This walk is about coming together to raise funds for warm meals, shelter, and care for the vulnerable through Hope Mission. Can you help us reach our $54,000 goal? Click here for more information.



  • Are you interested in learning more about how to participate in God’s healing ministry in our day? If so, consider attending the online course, . This teaching is based on the healing ministry of Jesus and the apostles as our model for all types of healing ministry today. We do this through sound theology and practical application. If you’re interested in finding out more, click here.  This course takes place three evenings and Saturday morning, .If you have any questions please connect with Joanne Rozendaal at


  • Dunamis Fellowship Canada (DFC) will be hosting Dunamis Essentials #2: In the Spirit’s Power at our very own Bethel Community Church starting the evening of April 10th to the evening of April 12th.  In the Spirit's Power explores the nature and use of spiritual gifts and cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Participants practice discernment in a safe environment. It covers three parts: Functional Gifts (Romans 12:6-8), helping discern individual gifts; Manifestational Gifts (1 Corinthians 12 & 14), examining their use; and Principles of Power Ministry, focusing on cooperating with the Holy Spirit for advancing the Kingdom of God. If you’re interested in finding out more, click here

    To minimize expenses, donations of food including baked goods and meals (lunch and/or dinner) are needed.  Additionally, we are looking for people who can host out-of-town guests for 3-4 nights and assist with transportation to Bethel.  We’re expecting 30 – 35 people.


       If you could assist or have questions about any of these areas that would be greatly appreciated;
       please contact Jeannie Visser.

Inglewood CRC: Is seeking a self-employed contractor interested in providing summer grounds maintenance for Inglewood CRC church property. The seasonal contract runs from April through October, and qualified individuals must have their own insurance, WCB coverage and grounds keeping equipment to manage all aspects of property maintenance. For more information or to express your interest, please contact the ICRC church office:  or  call 780-455-1066.


CRC NEWS: Check out what’s happening in the CRC community here.

CRCNA ANNOUNCEMENTS: Connecting church members with the ministries of the denomination.  Find out more by visiting the website here.





Our Weekly Calendar

SUNDAY, February 9

10:00  a.m.     Worship - in person & live stream

11:30  a.m.      Alpha Marriage Course

​11:30  a.m.      Soup-er Sunday Soup and Bun potluck in the church basement. All are welcome!


MONDAY, February 10

7:00   p.m.      Prayer - Zoom


TUESDAY, February 11

5:15     p.m.     Dove Taekwondo

7:00    p.m.     GEMS

​7:00    p.m.     Personal Financial Management


WEDNESDAY, February 12

6:00    a.m.      Prayer – In-person & Zoom
9:30    a.m.      Oasis Women’s Bible Study
8:00    p.m.      AA


THURSDAY, February, 13

12:30   p.m.     Food Bank
5:15     p.m.     Dove Taekwondo

7:00    p.m.     Worship Practice


FRIDAY, February 14


SATURDAY, February 15



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