Small Groups
"The journey is better when we do life together."
At Bethel Church, we believe that life is meant to be lived together. We are a community committed to growing together in our faith in Jesus Christ, to supporting one another in special times of need, and to welcoming others who want to embark on the journey of faith.
In small groups we encourage one another, ask questions, gain insight from each other, and we share joys and sorrow. In short, small groups is our way of doing life together.
For meetings, groups usually gather in one another's homes on a rotating basis. On a typical evening they will enjoy friendly conversation over refreshments, have a Bible study, share needs and concerns, and pray for one another.
​Groups have even been known to go on vacation together! The possibilities are as unlimited as the group's imagination.
A big goal of small groups is simply to be there for one another through the good times and the hard times. That can include anything from lending a listening ear, to bringing meals or providing rides in a time of need.